Saturday, December 17, 2011

Chanel's Indian inspired pre-fall collection

This month saw the launch of chanels Indian inspired collection at the Métiers d’Art 2012 show. With googly eyes, a flutter in my tummy and drool on my lips I found myself staring at the laptop screen, at pictures of gorgeous models (some of them south Asian), decked in beautiful clothes and stunning jewellery. Named the Bombay/Paris collection, the line had a strong Indian influence with the unmistakable Parisian style peeking through. Mr Lagerfeld himself described his collection as ''the Paris version of the idea of India".
The whole affair was an extravagant one, as is expected from chanel shows. A huge lavish feast was laid out, reminiscentof a Maharajah’s palace, its gallery laced with rounded windows and long tables with silver platters of fruits and sweets, artistic backdrop topped with chandeliers and petals scattered on the floor .The collection itself consisted of mixed classic Chanel tweed jackets with rich traditional Indian embroidery and luxurious silks and chiffons. Evening gowns with sari like draping, alongside salwar kameezes with typical Indian golden detailing left everybody in awe. The jewelry was captured so well with gorgeous headpieces, nose ornaments and ring-bracelets completing the looks. The clothing seemed to be influenced by modern Asian fashion as well as historical hints of exotic, shimmery fabrics and gold jewellery.

Who knows, maybe 2012 be a year-long Indian summer, with heavy kohl eyeliner, jhumke and kundan jewellery and rich colours and fabrics... Ahhh, how i would love that..

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Just remember...

"A moment of patience in a moment of anger prevents a thousand moments of regret.” Hazrat Ali.

This quote by Hazrat Ali is one of my favourites and i wish that it was something i was able to implement more strongly into my life. I am generally not a an argumentative person and more often than not i will try my utmost to prevent confrontations. However on the road of self-understanding i have come to recognise that as much as i try to avoid any sort of dispute with those around me, its the ones closest to me i often engage in arguments with. This has me thinking about whether i am merely admiring the words or have actually taken heed from this beautiful quote by a very wise man. For the last few days i have already started to hear about new years resolutions and can not help but think that it might be time to bring about some positive personal change.

I really believe that during moments of weakness, we cave in to the designs of our enemy, shaitan, who then consequently attacks in any way he can in order to divert us from God consciousness and makes us return to our animalistic nature. So anger by itself is not unnatural; rather history teaches us that many of our great prophets and our beloved prophet's Shahabas were often driven to feelings of anger. It is actually the way we conduct ourselves during this time which can lead to problems. The difference between the wild beasts and wild humans is the difference of free will. When a wild animal is provoked he does not think, whereas when a man becomes angry as a result of provocation, he has a choice to control his anger and respond to it as he has learned from the Qur'an and from Prophet Mohammad's (p.b.u.h) teachings. Thus wrongful actions of anger only take place when we are not in control of ourselves, but have in fact given up that control to the Shaitan.

Many of us have heard or read about the incident during the battle of khandaq when hazrat Ali (r.a) walked away from a man after overpowering him and when asked about it he simply replied that if he had killed him then it would have not been only for the sake of Allah (SWT) but also for the satisfaction of his anger.

During moments of anger when we let it take control of us our judgement gets clouded. I have always noticed that at times like these i end up saying the things that if thought rationally i would never utter. Someone very dear to me once told me that during these emotional moments our state is like that of someone standing amidst a whirlwind. Our vision gets blurred and this stops us from distinguishing even the most obvious of things.

Once a companion asked the Prophet (p.b.u.h), 'Give me some advice by virtue of which I hope for good in the life hereafter', and He said, "Don't be angry." Another person asked, 'what will save me from the wrath of God', and he said, "Do not express your anger." A third person asked, '0 Messenger of Allah, give me an order to do a short good deed', and he said, "Don't be angry."

To me this clearly shows that managing your actions while you are angry is something that is not easily done but rather is a hard task which has a lot of reward in it. To say that i will not be angry or get into situations where i find myself faced with confrontations or disputes is impossible and even naive to some extent. Rather, i believe i ought to control this feeling and do not let it lead me to that which is wrong and forbidden in our deen.

Alhumdulillah nothing in our beautiful deen is expected of us without us being given thorough advice on how to achieve it. Our beloved Prophet (p.b.u.h) has showed us how to conduct ourselves in times of anger. We are told that when angry, one should say "Audhu billahi minashaytan nirajim." [Bukhari, Muslim], or try to change his body position for example if he is standing, then he should sit, If the anger fails to subside, then he should lie down. [Abu Dawood One should also try to remain silent [Imam Ahmad]. Finally if none of the above work then one would be advised to make make wudhu. [Abu Dawood] and then make ghusl [Abu Nuaim]

I believe that personally for me, when i am really angry about something and am sitting around brooding over things, letting Shaitan mess around with my thoughts, the thing that would help me the most is to think of Allah. To think of Allah's anger and punishment, to forcefully remind my self of Allah's mercy and also His wrath. To think of what happens when He expresses His wrath? We humans who seek forgiveness from Allah must forgive others first.

This post is a personal reminder for myself, to work on something i believe will benefit me. I pray that Allah swt gives us all the understanding, the ability and the opportunity to direct all our actions for His sake. May we all learn to gain the pleasure of Allah through all our actions and may our imaan make us strong enough to fight our nafs and the shaitan continuously.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I love winters...

I don't know what it is about this picture but every time i see it, i have the urge to grab a steaming cup of hot chocolate and sip it slowly sitting in front of an open fire, wearing this dress of course.

The dress is actually from toast and i love this company oh so much. From their timeless simple designs to their very British homeware, i love it all. However, the thing that i love the most about toast is that browsing through their website or catalogue you will find models of all ages. It is so refreshing to see some of the clothes being modeled by older women, standing next to younger models. The store very sucessfully portrays the image of a place where mum and daughter can shop together without one feeling out of place.

Anyhoo, this dress is definitely on my winter wish list and so are the cozy looking wrist warmers i guess...

Thursday, December 1, 2011

To die for dress

Sorry for the cheesy title, but i lurvee this dress. It's in the Zara november '11 lookbook but i can't seem to find it in their online shop... Not that i'll be able to afford it at the moment... :( ahhh well, it would still be nice to know its there, if i want it... anyhoo without further a do here is the dress for everybody to drool on.........

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Last week friday i spent the evening stuffing my face, relaxing and chatting with my lovely brother and sisters. It's not often that we all get a chance to spend time together, especially with my sister living out at university, my brother being really busy and me living away but last Friday we just all happened to be around at my parents place and so ended up laughing and reminiscing for a few hours...

At some point suring this lovely evening the conversation steered towards some heavy topics and we started discussing the importance of faith in our lives. My brother then showed us this nice video which was a simple reminder of what can be expected when we start to lose focus of our ultimate goal and chase the duniya.

It's such a simple story but i loved it.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

So, i was thinking......

I was blog hopping a few days ago when i came across a brilliant post by a fellow blogger. In her post, the writer was discussing a little issue she was encountering with her young daughter about the importance of tidiness. I loved reading her account on how she tried to teach her daughter a valuable life lesson but somewhere amidst all the explaining and nagging she learnt some crucial skills.

Not only was this blog entry a really good read, it also made me dwell on a few parenting matters myself. I grew up in a household where the issues of tidiness always brought up conflicts. My sweetest mother is a very very neat, tidy and organized person to say the least, while my dearest father is a man who likes to take things easy. All through out my child hood i witnessed my mum clean up after my dad while he nagged her for 'misplacing' his stuff. Unfortunately for my mum all four of her children have more or less gone after her husband when it comes to this matter.She tried really hard with us kids to be tidy and organised but it wasn't meant to be. My mum still comes around to my house and 'tries' to organise my room. I myself feel that there are somethings that are innate, you can not drill them into a child no matter how hard you try and if you push to hard it can create barriers between you and your child. When i read this sisters blog entry it got me thinking whether i am in someways trying to make my daughter be a bit like me.

Even before Aaminah was born i was busy making plans about the way i would like to raise my child. I remember discussing sometimes important but mostly irrelevant things with hubby dearest, who used to stare back at me like i was an alien trying to convince him to marry me. I always knew i would like to raise my child in an Islamic house hold and try to implement the teachings of the Deen into my parenting from the day he/she was born. On the other hand, i am an opinionated person and thus have my likes and dislikes on matters which our Deen is quite lenient on. Small things where we as parents are able to make the decisions based on our own understanding of the world around us, for example how we allow our young children (those who have not yet reached puberty) to socialise, dress etc. Reading the above mentioned blog entry got me think about the choices i am making as a parent, and whether i am permitting my child enough room to blossom and shape her own personality within the bounds of Islam, or have i become one of those parents who are too scared and overprotective to allow their children any room to grow. I know and see that sometimes parents can go to either of the extremes.

I really believe that as parents we have to be careful. We have to provide a balanced and relaxed environment for our children. An environment where they are able to become individuals who are comfortable in their beliefs.

Finally, I pray to Allah swt to help me raise my child in the right way to only please Him and not for the sake of appreciation from my company or solely based on my personal views and experiences. I pray that when it comes to the Deen i am always able to be firm all the while allowing my child to be her unique self.
 Narrated by A'isha
The Prophet (peace be upon him) said to me,
"O A'isha, be gentle,
for gentleness has never been used in anything without beautifying it;
and it has never been removed from something without debasing it."May Allah swt give us tauwfeeq to be gentle and just with our children.

Monday, October 3, 2011

LOL moment

Every parent will tell you that when your bundle of joy starts to form words and then sentences it always results in a few hilarious LOL moments. I have noticed that these little joyous moments tend to occur mostly when you don't expect them to. For instance when the little munchkin has slightly annoyed you, you will most probably get an explanation that will simply melt your heart. Over the last few months we've certainly had our share of these adorable moments and yesterday night was no exception.

During Ramadan i did the unthinkable and let Aaminah sleep with us, in the hope that it will allow me to sleep a little longer in the mornings, which it did but now I'm stuck with a toddler who refuses to sleep in her own room (I'm picturing a lot of head shaking and tsks). Anyhoo yesterday night my dear Aaminah awoke around midnight because her father and i were talking (read shouting) too loud. After spending a lovely half hour with us, my husband dearest decided that it was time for him to sleep and instructed Aaminah and I to do the same, turned around and started snoring within 30 seconds. My poor kid first didn't understand what was happening around her, because she had always slept before her father and so had never heard his charming snores before. She tried hard to sleep for about an hour but the constant noise of snoring was too much much for the little soul, so she finally poked me and said 'Ammi please clean mezzis (Aaminah's special name for her dad) bogies, mezzis not breathing nice' (last week when she had caught a cold i kept telling her to blow her nose so she could breath better)...

Monday, September 26, 2011

A little something special

Someone shared this absolutely amazing little lecture on facebook a few days ago. I myself have already listened to it about three times and even got dearest hubby to sit and watch it. Everything that the brother talks about is spot on. Just little things us parents should do, which can so easily be ignored but if implemented could help us build beautiful relationships with our children. Absolutely wonderful stuff.

I am really tempted to get the parents in the family together and make them watch this video... Hmmm, lets see how this can be arranged...

May Allah swt reward the brother for this beautiful little gem of a lecture.

LOVE IS........

...And among His signs is this, that He has created for you mates from among yourselves, that you may dwell in tranquillity with them; and He has put love and mercy between you. Verily in that are signs for those who reflect. (30:21)

Years ago, i used to swoon over the cute little 'love is' comic strip but now come to think of it the adorable couple is quite inappropriate, always prancing around in their nude. Anyway, last week i was reminded of the comic strip on two separate occasions. :0)


running out of the kitchen hysterically to share the sweetest nectarine she has ever tasted, with him...
(i think this the only pic with the couple being dressed)


still feeling very guilty, after four years of marriage, for not being able to offer her a lift due to a very important work meeting.

May Allah swt bless all Muslim couples with tranquility and love in their marriages, and help us all bring out the best in each other, Ameen...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Eid and so much more...

"Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day, let him maintain the bonds of kinship." [Sahih Al-Bukhari]

I've had quite a hectic few days since my last update. With Eid preps, dearest hubby coming back from the masjid, family visits and a little flu that managed to get me and my little munchkin down for a day or two. However things have calmed down again, and Aaminah and I are enjoying a relaxing week at my mum's.

Eid was absolutely wonderful. We managed to have a lovely family gathering in a local hall, enjoyed delicious food together and the kiddies had lots of fun. Sadly my dad and one of our beloved family (my eldest sister in-law & kids) were missing and their absence was truly felt through out the whole day.

The munchkins eagerly opening their prezzies...

My lovely nieces, looking adorable...
Aaminah's beautiful dress, sent especially by her grand dad from Pakistan for Eid...

The kiddies seemed to really enjoy themselves with the aid of pinatas, presents and hilarious role plays. Strangely enough we somehow managed to find a very macho pinata donkey this time (courtesy of sis in-law #4). After taking a beating from all the kids it still managed to stay in one piece, which resulted in a hilarious turn of events, where all the adults were allowed to have a few swings at it. After about 20 minutes of bashing the poor donkey, i can't remember exactly who manged to end the donkey's suffering but the process was really fun while it lasted.

Aaminah and I probably had three times this many sweets on and around Eid day.

As the kids were busy enjoying their new presents and showing each other what they got as gifts, the adults even managed to have a little serious discussion. Dearest father in-law delivered a teeny tiny speech on the importance of family unity, which was really lovely and a great reminder of how lucky we all are to have each others love and support in this individualistic society.

''And those who break the Covenant of Allah, after its ratification, and sever that which Allah has commanded to be joined (i.e. they sever the bond of kinship and are not good to their relatives), and work mischief in the land, on them is the curse (i.e. they will be far away from Allah's Mercy), and for them is the unhappy (evil) home (i.e. Hell) .''
( Ar-Rad, Chapter #13, Verse #25)

Apart from the lovely Eid gathering, it was really good to have my dearest hubby back at home. Despite the hecticness we managed to spend a few hours together, chatting, catching up and discussing how we had spent the last ten days of Ramadan.

Aaminah's api bo (hubby's sis) stayed with us for the last few days leading up to Eid, which made the waiting so much easier. The kids kept Aaminah really happy while api bo and I managed to do all the Eid shopping together. Nearly everyday we stayed up till the early hours of the morning doing ibadah and taking breaks to make eid cards and pack all our presents. Eid wouldn't have been the same without them.

On the 27th eve of Ramadan Api bo sent her ten year old son to the masjid to spend the night with his uncles who were observing itikaaf. My poor nephew reluctantly agreed as he was too shy to say no to his mom in front of yours truly. But then something amazing happened, when he returned from the masjid with his grandfather and thirteen year old cousin, both boys asked their mothers if they could observe itikaaf for the last three days with my husband and his older brother. MashaAllah the whole family is really proud of them both and i can't explain how exciting it was to have so many of our boys coming back from the masjid on the last eve of Ramadan...

With so much enjoyment and spending time with the family, i have been thinking about all the things Allah swt has blessed my life with. Most importantly i am so thankful for having an amazing family and beautiful relationships all around me. While Sai was in masjid my sister Maryam came to stay with us for a few days, as she knew we were a bit lonely. The day after she left our beloved api bo and co came to stay for a few days. I can't thank Allah for blessing me with such loving sisters, brothers, both sets of parents, nephews and nieces. Can't help but make a million duas that Allah swt always keeps us this way, with our hearts filled with love and respect for each other and always united.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


''The company of a good friend is like an owner of musk; if you don’t buy anything, you will get the smell of it. The company of a bad friend is like the blacksmith’s bellows; if you are not affected by its black dirt, you will be touched by its smoke.''
Prophet Mohammed (p.b.u.h)

For the last few years, my hubby dearest has been observing itekaaf (secluded retreat in a mosque, for a certain number of days)in the last ten days of every Ramadan. Before i got married, i had heard of people observing this practice, but almost all of them were people of old age who had hardly any worldly responsibilities left. Most these people were free from the burden of jobs, young children, schools or universities. However, the Ramadan after our dua-e-khair (Islamic equivalent of engagement), i heard that Mr. Ali Sufian Khan will be observing itekaaf that year. I remember my initial reaction being that of slight horror becuase i thought that my future husband might be trying to impress us with a show of piety. And i remember praying to Allah to save me if that was the case. Luckily for me, not only was my future husband far from a show off, i soon realised that he will become my guiding light. I found out that he had been observing itekaaf for quite a few years, a practice which he has continued with, even after our marriage.

In the last four years every time he leaves me for itekaaf, i get stranded with a mix of emotions. I always feel proud, seeing his car leave our drive way for the masjid, but i also feel a horrible pang of sadness as i realise that for the next ten days i will be deprived of my best friends company. Like all previous years, this Ramadan has brought me the same pride and sadness. Nonetheless this year, a little conversation on the iftaar table after hubby left, has me thinking about the importance of the right company. As we sat enjoying our iftaar on saturday my mother-in-law asked my father-in-law whether he had seen my husbands friends when he went to drop him off at the masjid. This question led me to think about my husbands friends cricle and the general comapny he keeps. I realised that all his close friends are young practicing Muslims. Young men who have played a significant role in the way my dearest husband has turned out today. I see how finding his best friend in university kept him grounded, because they both could keep each other in line. As for me, even though i have always been blessed with amazing friends, i haven never looked out to find practicing friends but for some reason beyond me, Allah has been to kind on me, as he has blessed me with a spouse who not only filled the void of practicing friends in my life but rather took on the role of a a guide too.

Over the last four years i have learned so much from Sai (a nick name used by only the closest women in my husbands life). He has been the most amazing teacher, and a sincere friend and my heart is full of duas for him. As we continue to grow together I have learned many important life lessons from my dearest husband. And recently, through him i have come to recognise the importance of good company and how it can turn lives around. I have also learned that practicing ones religion is not something to be safeguarded and kept hidden as a hobby for old age. Rather it is something that one lives with through out the course of a life time.

For now, Aaminah and i are patiently waiting for Eid and most importantly for our favourite person to come back from the masjid on the last eve of Ramadan, with his spirits high and engulfed in an aura of peace. We even have a little calendar on our notice board counting off the days left till we see him again :)))

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Dil Dil Pakistan

So it was Pakistan's independence day yesterday.... Woohoo Go Pakistan, 1947-2011, baby. Rockstars. Ahhh but please keep it together so it can be a couple more decades, eh?

On a serious note, I guess it would be really easy to take a few minutes and start bashing the existence of pakiland and it's current state but for some odd reason i really don't feel like doing that. I know enough to really get me worried for the sanctity of this beloved country of mine but just for now i would like to ignore all that and concentrate on all that makes me proud of being a Pakistani.

My fondest memories of 14th august are of the few years we spent living next to my paternal grandmother's place in Wahh Cantt. I distinctly remember preparing for independence day in advance with my aunts and older cousin, buying large flags and bunting to decorate the house. I remember feeling so proud of my cousin because he was old enough to take part in the firework display on our street. I remember seeing green everywhere and every one's happy and pride filled faces. I remember making independence day cards at school. I remember the national anthem being repeatedly played on the TV and the patriotic national songs, ohh i used to love those, i still get the strongest sense of nostalgia whenever i hear one playing somewhere.

It's strange but having only lived the first 10 years of my life in Pakistan, it still feels more home than most other places i have lived. I miss Pakistan a lot and its such a blessing that hubby dearest also spent the first ten years of his life in Pakistan, because it means we can reminisce together and drag each other in and out of deep nostalgic trances.

There are a million things i miss about Pakistan and our short trips back home don't give us the chance to relive those. It's probably a blessing, because i am sure that childhood experiences are too pure and precious to be relived again. However, even though thinking of Pakistan and all that it means to me brings bitter sweet memories flooding back and plants a huge smile on my face, there is one aspect of it all that makes me quite sad. I just find it such a loss that all that all the cultural experiences i am able to share with my loved ones, i will not be able to share with my daughter. To Aaminah Pakistan will never hold the same meaning as it did for me... However, i do hope to teach her and show her what a great country her parents came from and why all the sacrifices our forefather made sixty four years ago, were well worth it. I hope that she is able to grow up and feel a sense of belonging to a country that gave me an identity to be proud of.

Finally, lots and lots of duas for the sovereignty of this beloved country that didn't come cheap 64 years ago...


Hi and welcome to my blog. I have decided to start this blog to demonstrate my craziness, voice my insignificant opinions and share my irrelevant random musings. So if you have spare time that you do not mind wasting, then sit back, relax and read.

On a slightly more serious note, i couldnt tell you why exactly i have created this blog but i am hoping it will start to become clearer to me once it gets going.

Ohhh and thank you sooo much for stoping by... :)))