Monday, October 3, 2011

LOL moment

Every parent will tell you that when your bundle of joy starts to form words and then sentences it always results in a few hilarious LOL moments. I have noticed that these little joyous moments tend to occur mostly when you don't expect them to. For instance when the little munchkin has slightly annoyed you, you will most probably get an explanation that will simply melt your heart. Over the last few months we've certainly had our share of these adorable moments and yesterday night was no exception.

During Ramadan i did the unthinkable and let Aaminah sleep with us, in the hope that it will allow me to sleep a little longer in the mornings, which it did but now I'm stuck with a toddler who refuses to sleep in her own room (I'm picturing a lot of head shaking and tsks). Anyhoo yesterday night my dear Aaminah awoke around midnight because her father and i were talking (read shouting) too loud. After spending a lovely half hour with us, my husband dearest decided that it was time for him to sleep and instructed Aaminah and I to do the same, turned around and started snoring within 30 seconds. My poor kid first didn't understand what was happening around her, because she had always slept before her father and so had never heard his charming snores before. She tried hard to sleep for about an hour but the constant noise of snoring was too much much for the little soul, so she finally poked me and said 'Ammi please clean mezzis (Aaminah's special name for her dad) bogies, mezzis not breathing nice' (last week when she had caught a cold i kept telling her to blow her nose so she could breath better)...

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